Are You OK?!

So much has happened since I last wrote…I had so much to tell you, like the news about our company merger, and other real estate-y things, and none of it really matters now.

What I want to know is if you’re OK!?

So many are not. Lost jobs/homes to the tornado, lost loved ones from the novel coronavirus. It seems as though there isn’t much good out there right now, (I have to step away from the Johns Hopkins Map) but I’m here to find some silver linings for all of us.

3/31/2020 numbers

The Covid 19 Response Fund offers lots of different avenues to help those in need. You may, or may not be aware that many lenders are offering forbearance programs on home loans. This is not to be confused with loan forgiveness, but can defer mortgage payments until later in the term of the loan with no credit reporting/marks against you and your credit. If you have lost your job and need some room to breathe, contact your lender to see what is available. Mortgage and rent relief is also available via the National Association/Tennessee Realtors here.

Tennessee’s volunteerism has always been remarkable, and these current crises are no exception. Dolly Parton will read your child a bedtime story, take a virtual tour of Cheekwood in Bloom, a wide variety of musicians are holding virtual concerts in Music City, and our local YMCAs are offering childcare for our essential workers.

Outside of our state, it’s the little things that have made us smile through all of the misery. Italian citizens serenading each other from their balconies, adopt a nurse, doctor, hospital programs that show appreciation and support to both local restaurants and healthcare workers. (if anyone finds this in Nashville, let me know so I can update the link!) Jack Black is on Tik Tok, and Tiger King can make us all feel remarkably normal in comparison.

I give everyone a virtual hug right now. I feel extremely fortunate that my family is safe and healthy, and I still have a job. You may be healthy, but pulling out your hair on the homeschooling front. You still need a hug!

There is no normal right now, so adjusting to new routines will be the name of the game for a while. In the end, people need other people, no matter how introverted our personalities may be.

I’ve enjoyed Zoom happy hours with some of you, and can’t recommend a Facetime coffee with a friend enough. Check on that neighbor (from 6 -10 feet away please) and stay as safely connected as possible. I believe it will make the difference in the long run.

Naturally, cooking has been an outlet over here – cleaning out the freezer and destressing while feeding each other helps if it’s something you enjoy. Instagram TV is not something I paid much attention to until now…Massimo Bottura’s Kitchen Quarantine show is worth a look.

Lastly, if you are one of our essential workers stocking grocery shelves, mail carriers, truck drivers, healthcare workers and many more – thank you for keeping our crazy world afloat.

Until next time…stay safe, and stay home, and I look forward to seeing you in person on the flipside.



  1. Hi, Collyn, great post. How are your parents doing, and where is Hank?

    Martha Matherly Parham

    1. Thanks Martha! Mom and Dad are sheltering in Memphis, and Hank is holed up in Chicago, so we have to make do with family phone calls etc.. but all safe and healthy – long may it last! Stay safe, and best wishes for you and yours.. I hope all is well there.

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