February Newsletter + Blood Oranges

Happy February! The Nashville market seems to be back in the swing of things already, as I have joked that January is the new March. The number of new listings each week has been climbing rapidly, with sellers hoping to beat out the glut of Spring activity and offer up their homes while there is… Continue reading February Newsletter + Blood Oranges

May News + Modern Treehouse

I recently shared this photo on my new Facebook business page, and it’s a great example of the housing issue we are seeing in what used to be our “starter home” neighborhoods. When 800 sf cottages are now selling in the mid $200s often needing significant improvements, the market is forcing our first time buyers into… Continue reading May News + Modern Treehouse

Buying and Selling in the Winter Months

Sometimes your best laid plans are disrupted, or there is an unexpected relocation. Regardless of the reason, there will always be buyers and sellers in Winter. While Spring and Summer are the high season for home sales, Winter transactions have their advantages. If you don’t mind a smaller pool of homes for sale, or moving… Continue reading Buying and Selling in the Winter Months
